9 COLOR 1, 3

10 PRINT "Welcome To Simpletools for DOS 3.0 By FitzGerald Ware a division of UGS."

11 PRINT "Please have your printer ready."

20 PRINT "1= Add"

30 PRINT "2= Subtract"

40 PRINT "3= Multiply"

50 PRINT "4= Divide"

60 PRINT "5= Memo"

70 PRINT "6= Formmaker"

71 PRINT "7= Help"

80 PRINT "8= Quit"

90 PRINT "Type in the function you want to use below."

100 INPUT choice

110 IF choice = 1 GOTO 190

120 IF choice = 2 GOTO 230

130 IF choice = 3 GOTO 270

140 IF choice = 4 GOTO 310

150 IF choice = 5 GOTO 350

160 IF choice = 6 GOTO 610

170 IF choice = 7 GOTO 1130

171 IF choice = 8 THEN END

172 PRINT "Sorry, not a choice"

173 GOTO 90

180 END


189 CLS

190 PRINT "What numbers do you want to add? Use the format A,B, please."

200 INPUT a, b

210 PRINT "The awanser is"; a + b

211 SLEEP 2

220 GOTO 7


229 CLS

230 PRINT "What two numbers do you want to subtract? Use the format A,B, please."

240 INPUT a, b

250 PRINT "The awanser is"; a - b

259 SLEEP 2

260 GOTO 7


269 CLS

270 PRINT "What numbers do you want to multiply? Use the format A,B, please."

280 INPUT a, b

290 PRINT "The awanser is"; a * b

299 SLEEP 2

300 GOTO 7


309 CLS

310 PRINT "What numbers do you want to divide? Use the format A,B, please."

320 INPUT a, b

330 PRINT "The awanser is"; a / b

339 SLEEP 2

340 GOTO 7


350 CLS

360 PRINT " Memo Keeper Advanced"

370 PRINT "This copy is registered to: Registered User "

380 PRINT " Loading Please Wait..."

390 BEEP

400 PRINT " Please enter your name"

410 BEEP

420 INPUT n$

430 PRINT "Who is this memo to?"

440 INPUT rec$

450 DEF SEG = &HB800


460 SCREEN 2

470 BEEP

480 PRINT "Type Below"

488 PRINT "CAUTION! Do not hit ENTER untill you are done and ready to print."

489 PRINT "Hit the SPACE bar untill the coursor is on the next line."

490 INPUT text$

500 BEEP

510 CLS




530 PRINT "Ok, here is what you typed: "; text$; " "; n; ""

540 PRINT "Wait, it will take a moment to print."

550 BEEP

560 LPRINT "A memo from:"; n$

570 LPRINT "To:"; rec$

580 LPRINT "________________________________________________________________________"

590 LPRINT text$

599 SLEEP 5

600 GOTO 7


609 CLS

610 PRINT "Welcome to the Form Maker!"

620 PRINT "Enter your title."

630 INPUT heading$

640 PRINT "Input field 1."

650 INPUT Field1$

660 PRINT "Input field 2."

670 INPUT Field2$

680 PRINT "Input field 3."

690 INPUT Field3$

700 PRINT "Input field 4."

710 INPUT Field4$

720 PRINT "Input field 5."

730 INPUT Field5$

740 SCREEN 2

750 PRINT heading$

760 PRINT " "

770 PRINT Field1$, Field2$, Field3$, Field4$, Field5$

780 PRINT "________________________________________________________________________"

790 PRINT " I I I I "

800 PRINT "_______________I_______________I____________I______________I____________"

810 PRINT " I I I I "

820 PRINT "_______________I_______________I____________I______________I____________"

830 PRINT " I I I I "

840 PRINT "_______________I_______________I____________I______________I____________"

850 PRINT " I I I I "

860 PRINT "_______________I_______________I____________I______________I____________"

870 PRINT " I I I I "

880 PRINT "_______________I_______________I____________I______________I____________"

890 PRINT " "

900 PRINT "Turn your printer on."

910 BEEP

920 BEEP

930 BEEP

940 SCREEN 1

950 PRINT "Now printing, please wait."

960 LPRINT heading$

970 LPRINT ; Field1$, Field2$, Field3$, Field4$, Field5$

980 LPRINT "________________________________________________________________________________"

990 LPRINT " I I I I "

1000 LPRINT "________________I_________________I_______________I______________I______________"

1010 LPRINT " I I I I "

1020 LPRINT "________________I_________________I_______________I______________I______________"

1030 LPRINT " I I I I "

1040 LPRINT "________________I_________________I_______________I______________I______________"

1050 LPRINT " I I I I "

1060 LPRINT "________________I_________________I_______________I______________I______________"

1070 LPRINT " I I I I "

1080 LPRINT "________________I_________________I_______________I______________I______________"

1090 BEEP

1100 PRINT "Please turn your printer on."

1110 SLEEP 5

1120 GOTO 7




1130 CLS

1140 PRINT "Simpletools for DOS 3.0 help"

1150 PRINT "Enter your choice"

1160 PRINT ""

1170 PRINT "1= About"

1180 PRINT "2= Calcuator functions"

1190 PRINT "3= Memo Keeper Advanced 3.0"

1200 PRINT "4= Form Maker 3.0"

1210 PRINT "5= About FitzGerald Ware"

1220 PRINT "6= Diffrences between versions 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 and 2.5"

1230 PRINT "7= Contact information"

1240 PRINT "8= Back to main menu"

1250 INPUT choiceh

1260 IF choiceh = 1 THEN GOTO 1340

1270 IF choiceh = 2 THEN GOTO 1440

1280 IF choiceh = 3 THEN GOTO 1560

1290 IF choiceh = 4 THEN GOTO 1800

1300 IF choiceh = 5 THEN GOTO 1950

1310 IF choiceh = 6 THEN GOTO 2030

1320 IF choiceh = 7 THEN GOTO 3050

1330 IF choiceh = 8 THEN GOTO 7

1331 PRINT "Sorry, not a choice"

1132 GOTO 1250


1340 PRINT "Simpletools for DOS 3.0 by: FitzGerald Ware a division of UGS"

1350 PRINT "Programmed by: Daniel John FitzGerald"

1360 PRINT "http://ugssoftware.cjb.net"

1370 PRINT "ugs@mail.com"

1380 PRINT "Type E at the prompt to continue"

1390 INPUT ehelp1$

1400 IF ehelp1$ = "E" THEN GOTO 1130

1410 IF ehelp1$ = "e" THEN GOTO 1130

1420 PRINT "Sorry, not a choice"

1430 GOTO 1380


1440 PRINT "Calcuator functions help"

1450 PRINT ""

1460 PRINT "The calcuator functions (add, subtract, multiply, divide) use two numbers only."

1470 PRINT "When you type in your two numbers, use this format:"


1490 PRINT "These programs can be used for everyday household uses."

1500 PRINT "Type E at the prompt to continue"

1510 INPUT ehelp2$

1520 IF ehelp2$ = "E" THEN GOTO 1130

1530 IF ehelp2$ = "e" THEN GOTO 1130

1540 PRINT "Sorry, not a choice"

1550 GOTO 1500


1559 CLS

1560 PRINT "Memo Keeper Advanced 3.0 help"

1570 PRINT ""


1590 PRINT " Memo Keeper 3.0 Advanced by: FitzGerald Ware a division of UGS"

1600 PRINT " Programmed by: Daniel John FitzGerald"

1610 PRINT " http://ugssoftware.cjb.net"

1620 PRINT " ugs@mail.com"

1630 PRINT ""



1660 PRINT " Do not hit ENTER untill you are ready to finish."

1670 PRINT " Hit the SPACE bar untill you are on the next line."

1680 PRINT ""


1700 PRINT " Your memo was too long."

1710 PRINT ""


1712 PRINT " Make sure that your cursor is underneath the question mark"

1713 PRINT ""

1720 PRINT "If you have any other questions and/or comments, E-Mail me. See CONTACT"

1730 PRINT ""

1740 PRINT "Type E at the prompt to continue"

1750 INPUT ehelp3$

1760 IF ehelp3$ = "E" THEN GOTO 1130

1770 IF ehelp3$ = "e" THEN GOTO 1130

1780 PRINT "Sorry, not a choice"

1790 GOTO 1740


1800 PRINT "Form Maker 3.0 Information"

1810 PRINT ""

1820 PRINT " Form Maker 3.0 by: FitzGerald Ware a division of UGS"

1830 PRINT " Programmed by: Daniel John FitzGerald"

1840 PRINT "Http://ugssoftware.cjb.net"

1850 PRINT " ugs@mail.com"

1860 PRINT ""

1870 PRINT "If you have any questions and/or comments, contact me. See CONTACT"

1880 PRINT ""

1890 PRINT "Type E at the prompt to continue"

1900 INPUT ehelp4$

1910 IF ehelp4$ = "E" THEN GOTO 1130

1920 IF ehelp4$ = "e" THEN GOTO 1130

1930 PRINT "Sorry, not a choice"

1940 GOTO 1890


1950 PRINT "FitzGerald Ware BASIC Software a division of UGS "

1951 PRINT "1998 - 1999 United General Software"

1960 PRINT "http://ugssoftware.cjb.net"

1970 PRINT "Type E at the prompt to continue"

1980 INPUT ehelp5$

1990 IF ehelp5$ = "E" THEN GOTO 1130

2000 IF ehelp5$ = "e" THEN GOTO 1130

2010 PRINT "Sorry, not a choice"

2020 GOTO 1970


2030 PRINT "Diffrences between versions 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 and 2.5"

2040 PRINT ""

2050 PRINT "-Warnings when you mistype a choice"

2060 PRINT "-Help file"

2070 PRINT "-Contact information"

2080 PRINT "-New Memo Keeper Advanced and Form Maker with warnings"

2090 PRINT ""

3000 PRINT "Type E at the prompt to continue"

3001 INPUT ehelp6$

3010 IF ehelp6$ = "E" THEN GOTO 1130

3020 IF ehelp6$ = "e" THEN GOTO 1130

3030 PRINT "Sorry, not a choice"

3040 GOTO 3000


3050 PRINT "FitzGerald Ware contact information"

3060 PRINT ""

3070 PRINT "http://ugssoftware.cjb.net"

3080 PRINT "ugs@mail.com"

3090 PRINT ""

4000 PRINT "Type E at the prompt to continue"

4010 INPUT ehelp7$

4020 IF ehelp7$ = "E" THEN GOTO 1130

4030 IF ehelp7$ = "e" THEN GOTO 1130

4040 PRINT "Sorry, not a choice"

4050 GOTO 4000

4060 END


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